Posted by: binkybits | May 25, 2010

Motherhood ruins friendships

Oh alright I know that is a little dramatic.  However I just checked my work email (remember I’m a stay at home mom so I don’t really need to check my work aka school district email) and found two letters from my team members that I was seperated from upon my departure from the middle school that were dated in February and the middle of this month.  I feel horrible that I had not responded sooner, especially to the February letter.  I spoke with these individuals multiple times daily and had lunch with them every day and every Friday and here I didn’t respond to their letters, that were a response to mine from then.  Ugh what a horrible friend I am.  So I do plan to make it up to them.  I am hoping to arrange a day that they can come to my humble abode and I will fix them a wonderful meal, or at least buy one and pretend I made it, hehe.  I miss the comaradiere that the three of us shared and hope that we are able to regain it and visit with each other frequently from this point forward!

Oh what a horrible friend motherhood has made me!

Posted by: binkybits | May 24, 2010

Back to the world

So I have been offline for a very very very long time!  Seeing as my little munchkin required me to be away from our in home office I never had the opportunity to do much online.  Now we have our internet connection downstairs (where I spend most of my day) and so I am back. 

So much happens daily in my little ones life, some good, some bad, some just plain annoying!  Ahh but that is the joys of parenthood.

Well I really have no idea what to write about and the little one is asking for help so I am off, for now!

Posted by: binkybits | September 3, 2009

So I shall begin

First I must give credit to my hubby for making a lovely Binky graphic for me… ahh how I’ve tried all of those with my son.

So the last few weeks have been very trying.   My little one has decided that having major teething pain, a very bad diaper rash, a rash from the snot running non-stop, would all be a very good thing.  His entire schedule was wacky and had me (and the hubby) barely sleeping.  It was so very trying and I didn’t know if and when he would ever feel better, for it seemed as though everything we did made him feel worse.  Well today is day two of what looks like the turn around.  Vaseline seems to be doing wonders on the rash, he’s back to sleeping and eating normally (during the day at least) and is in a very happy mood.  I’m only hoping that this trend will continue.

As for myself I am highly disappointed.  Due to the lack of sleep my body seems to feel as though it is shutting down.  My joints seem to be experiencing a bad case of arthritis and I can barely get myself out of bed in the morning.  All the cleaning and organizing I would like to do seems to have fallen drastically behind since I am having a terrible time moving around during the day.  I’m gaining weight rather than losing weight, because I’m too tired to get up in the morning to go to the gym and I can’t go at night because I wouldn’t be able to go to sleep.  Ugh it’s so frustrating.

Well I just heard a binky drop out of the crib, our usual sign that my son is awake, and he’s only been in the crib for 15 minutes and this is supposed to be his second nap of the day.  I think I spoke too soon about him going back to normal! UGH!

Posted by: binkybits | August 13, 2009

Hello Moms! and Dads!

Today I begin my quest to let out what is on my mind in relation to raising a little boy.  We’ll see how it goes.
